About Setting Up Okta

Okta is a secure way to verify your identity, which protects your patients and you. Okta uses security methods to make sure the person logging in with your Username is really you. These security methods include entering a Validation Code sent to your phone, clicking a Magic Link in an email from Okta, or using the Okta Verify mobile app.

This guide shows how to set up Okta security methods to help you log into Lynx securely.

Enter Your Lynx Username

Enter your existing Lynx Username and click NEXT.

Enter Your Lynx Password

Enter your existing Lynx Password and click LOGIN.

Enter Your Work Email Address

If your practice has initiated the migration to Okta, you are prompted to enter your work Email Address and click SUBMIT.

Enter a Validation Code

  1. Check for an email with the subject Lynx Okta Verification Code.

  2. Enter the code in Validation code.

  3. Click SUBMIT.

Activate Okta Account

  1. Check for an email with the subject Setting Up Your Okta Account.

  2. In the email, click Activate Okta Account. This link opens the Set up security methods in a new browser window.

Set up required

You must create a Password for your Okta-enabled login.

  1. Click Set up.

  2. Enter a new password twice (click the arrow to see 2nd example image).

  3. Click Next.

Set Up Security Methods

Okta uses two security methods to keep your account secure. By default, these are Password and Email. It takes just a few minutes to set up Okta with two or more security methods.

Additional security methods are listed under Set up optional on the Set up security methods page.

Click Set up to configure a security method for use with Lynx. You may see fewer methods than are displayed in the example, depending on what is configured for your practice. Security methods are listed below.


Each time you log in...

Password (required)

Okta prompts you to enter your Okta password.

Email (default)

Okta sends you an email containing a link or a one-time password (OTP). You click the link or use the OTP to sign in.


Okta sends a verification code to your phone in a text message or calls your phone and tells you the verification code.

Okta Verify

Okta prompts you to confirm you want to sign in using the Okta Verify app installed on your phone. The Okta Verify app also generates a code that you can use to sign in.

After setting up Okta security methods, click Continue to log in to the application.